
Upcoming long weekends to plan a trip 2024

Life can be a rush of responsibilities and deadlines, and sometimes, we forget to take a step back and breathe. The upcoming long weekends in August, September, and October are your golden opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle, recharge your spirit, and create unforgettable memories .

image Don’t wait—take this opportunity to go on a much-needed vacation and start feeling better. Check out our guide to the best travel spots for your ideal getaway.


15/08/24 - Independence Day
16/08/24 - Take the day off
17/08/24 - Saturday
18/08/24 - Sunday

24/08/24 - Saturday
25/08/24 - Sunday
26/08/24 - Janmastami
27/08/24 - Take the day off

August is absolutely packed with long weekends, giving you the perfect excuse for a quick getaway. How about an international adventure? Plan for a trip to Dubai and dive into a world of luxury and excitement, or explore Malaysia, where rich culture and stunning landscapes await you. If you’re thinking of staying closer to India, the Golden Triangle (Delhi, Agra, Jaipur) is a must for history buffs and architecture lovers, while Manali offers a refreshing escape with its cool weather and scenic beauty. 


05/09/24 - Onam
06/09/24 - Take the day off
07/09/24 - Ganesh Chaturti
08/09/24 - Sunday

14/09/24 - Saturday
15/09/24 - Sunday
16/09/24 - Milad-un-Nabi
17/09/24 - Take the day off

September’s long weekends are perfect for renewing your energy and rediscovering yourself. For an international escape, plan for Sri Lanka and immerse yourself in its lush landscapes and rich culture, or head to Singapore for a blend of modern marvels and vibrant traditions. Domestically, Kerala’s serene backwaters and lush greenery offer a tranquil retreat, while Kashmir’s breathtaking scenery provides a picturesque and peaceful getaway.

11/10/24 - Dussehra Holidays
12/10/24 - Dussehra Holidays
13/10/24 - Sunday
14/10/24 - Take the day off 

October is all about festive vibes and fantastic weather, making it the perfect time for a getaway. Plan for Thailand and enjoy its vibrant culture and stunning beaches, or visit Bali to soak in its spiritual ambiance and natural beauty. If you’re staying within India, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands offer pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, while Coorg’s coffee plantations and scenic landscapes provide a refreshing and rejuvenating escape.

These long weekends are your chance to escape the busy life, heal your mind and body, and immerse yourself in the beauty of new destinations. Whether you’re dealing with stress, burnout, or just need a break, travel is the best way to rejuvenate. If you’re tight on budget, don’t worry! We have amazing deals and discounts to make your dream trip a reality. Consider us for your travel plans, and let’s make this holiday season truly unforgettable.

So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable journey your soul deserves this rejuvenating break! Don't wait book your dream vacation now and let the adventure begin.